There have been some large, high-quality controlled trials of acupuncture for migraine in recent years. The results of the more recent reviews are quite consistent: acupuncture is significantly better than no treatment/basic care for managing migraine, and appears to be at least as effective as prophylactic drug therapy, with few contraindications or unpleasant side effects (Linde 2009, Wang 2008, Sun 2008, Scott 2008). Acupuncture has a similar or slightly better effect than sham procedures, which themselves can perform as well as conventional drugs, indicating that sham acupuncture is not an inactive placebo but a contentious alternative intervention. Acupuncture has been found to be cost-effective (Witt 2008; Wonderling 2004). As well as prevention it may also be used to alleviate symptoms in acute attacks (Li 2009). There is preliminary qualitative evidence from patients that acupuncture can increase coping mechanisms as well as relieve migraine symptoms (Rutberg 2009).
Migraines are something we see frequently in the clinic. My anecdotal clinical experience is that migraines respond very well to acupuncture. Whilst they may not disappear completely it is very common that the intensity and frequency of migraines decrease to a much more manageable level making life much easier again.